Where it all began

Our dear Vincenzo had his first frothy babycino at Chipmunks Lawnton. The delicious white milk mustache covered his 14 month old lips while he thoroughly enjoyed his new found treat. The best thing about babycinos at play-centers is the exciting playground sitting right there to help burn off the extra energy! Vincenzo loved the ball pit and was very adventurous flying down the slippery slides until it was time to go home.

Babycino Adventures



Now I have to admit though that this isn’t the first time Vincenzo had attempted to drink from these interesting white ceramic mugs that mummy and daddy seem to always be sipping from. No, his first attempt at drinking an espresso was actually in Sérignan, France. We had traveled the thousands of kilometers with his grandfather and great grandmother to visit relatives. Now the day in question we were sitting at a small cafe enjoying espressos when Vincenzo (or maybe it was his responsible grandfather) decided it would be a marvelous idea to drink the dregs in the bottom of his grandfather’s mug. Bon appetit! And that is when Vincenzo’s love of babycinos began.

